Compounding is usually not known by many patient’s until they are prescribed a medication that requires a compounding pharmacy make it.
Compounds fill a void that is left by commercial pre-packaged pharmaceuticals. Patients may need a compound for a variety of reasons from nursing to end of life care.​
Reasons for Compounding
Strength of medication may need to be increased or decreased per dose to fit a patient’s need.
Allergy or sensitivities to gluten, dyes, sugar, or fillers in commercial products. Compounding can remove these from a sensitive patients medication.
Trouble with swallowing a large tablet or digestion issues can be addressed by compounding a prescription into another form that will make taking medications easier.
Medication being unavailable in the commercial market. A medication may no longer be available, but a patient may still need it. We can look in to compounding a product that is no longer available.